Customer Journey Map: My Go-to Guide

There are millions of examples for customer journey maps. They one below is a condensed version of essential elements and my go-to example for whenever I design a customer journey.

Eight must-have parts

  1. A customer persona: Bring your customer to life through demographic and psychographic details.

  2. Phases of the purchase journey: Details the process customer follow from awareness, to purchase, and beyond.

  3. Touchpoints: A point of contact, interaction, or information gathering.

  4. Verbalized customer thoughts and actions: Capture what customers do, think, and feel - this is what makes journey maps so useful.

  5. Painpoints: Issues customers have when pursuing their mission.

  6. Emotional journey: Helps you identify areas for improvements

  7. Opportunities for improvement: Build on your discoveries from pain points, emotional journeys, and customer feedback.

  8. Moments of truth: Typically occur at first encounter, purchase, usage.

I also find that checklist very valuable once you’ve created your map:

  • Does your customer journey map focus on just one persona?

  • Does it follow the purchase/interaction journey across all sales channels?

  • Does your customer journey map include both mechanical and emotional customer measures (thoughts, feelings, pain points, emotional responses, etc.)?

  • Did you include Moments of Truth in your map?

  • Does it contain opportunities for innovation, based off of the pain points and Moments of Truth you identified?

  • Including the elements above will ensure that your customer journey map is customer-centric, insightful, and useful to your organization.