Spice Up Your Warm-Up

Warm-up fatigue is a real thing. So if you’re dealing with seasoned workshop participants, it takes something new to surprise them. Why not try one of these new questions? They work perfectly fine in a remote setting (e.g. Google Jamboard, Skype Whiteboard or Mural)

The Genie in a Bottle

Aks your participants: If you had three wishes, what would they be?

Digital Warm-up “Genie in a bottle” using Google Jamboard

Digital Warm-up “Genie in a bottle” using Google Jamboard


The Time machine

If you could go back in time, which period would you go to?

Or use the alternative: If you could meet anyone from the past, who would you like to meet, and why?

Digital Warm-up “Timemachine” using Google Jamboard


The Superpowers

What’s your superpower? And what skill do you bring to the team?

Digital Warm-up “Superpowers” using Google Jamboard

Digital Warm-up “Superpowers” using Google Jamboard


And as a funny exercise (not only) for digital natives:

GIF tournament

  1. Pick a phrase. For example: Let the cat out of the bag

  2. Tip: GIPHY has a great selection of GIFs

  3. (Let the participants vote which one they prefer)